10 Jul, 24

Olimpijski komitet Bosne i Hercegovine posebni partner Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivala

S ponosom objavljujemo da je Olimpijski komitet Bosne i Hercegovine postao posebni partner Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivala, najvećeg biciklističkog festivala u našoj zemlji. Ova važna suradnja dodatno će doprinijeti značaju i uspjehu festivala, koji se održava u prekrasnom Parku prirode Blidinje od 12. do 14. srpnja 2024. godine.

Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival, koji okuplja profesionalne i amaterske bicikliste, dijecu, rekreativce i cijele obitelji prepoznat je kao ključni događaj za promociju sporta, turizma i očuvanja prirode u Bosni i Hercegovini. Partnerstvo s Olimpijskim komitetom BiH omogućit će dodatnu podršku u organizaciji i promociji festivala te će doprinijeti daljnjem razvoju biciklizma kao sporta u našoj zemlji.

Ova suradnja s Olimpijskim komitetom Bosne i Hercegovine velika je čast i priznanje za naš festival. Uvjereni smo da će njihova podrška dodatno podići razinu organizacije i kvalitete događaja, te omogućiti još veći uspjeh Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivala,” izjavio je Toni Zorić, predsjednik Udruge HerzegovinaBike, organizatora festivala.

Olimpijski komitet BiH prepoznao je važnost ovakvih manifestacija za promociju sportskih aktivnosti i zdravog načina života, te je s oduševljenjem prihvatio ulogu posebnog partnera. “Blidinje BIKE Festival je izvanredna prilika za promociju sporta i sportskih vrijednosti. Naš cilj je podržati ovakve događaje koji potiču mlade sportaše i sve građane na aktivan život i ljubav prema sportu i prirodi,” istaknuo je Akademik prof.dr Izet Rađo, predsjednik Olimpijskog komiteta BiH.

Ovogodišnji Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival uključivat će brojne aktivnosti, među kojima su UCI Class 1 maraton utrka, Balkansko prvenstvo u biciklizmu, razne rekreativne vožnje, kao i bogat popratni program za sve posjetitelje. Sudjelovanje Olimpijskog komiteta BiH kao posebnog partnera dodatno će obogatiti program i osigurati još veći odaziv sudionika i publike.

Pozivamo sve ljubitelje biciklizma, prirode i sporta da nam se pridruže na Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivalu i zajedno s nama uživaju u jedinstvenom doživljaju u srcu Parka prirode Blidinje.

Za više informacija o festivalu, programskim aktivnostima i prijavama posjetite našu službenu web stranicu www.bbf.ba.

Vidimo se na Blidinje BIKE Festivalu!

09 Jul, 24

Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival: Što nas očekuje?

Samo pet dana prije početka ovogodišnjeg Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivala, organizatori s ponosom ističu uspješan napredak organizacije. Ovaj najveći biciklistički festival u Bosni i Hercegovini privukao je značajnu pažnju, s brojnim događajima i međunarodnim sudionicima. Park prirode Blidinje se nalazi u središtu pažnje i bilježi značajan interes.

Program događanja

Petak, 12.07.2024.: Festival započinje VIP prezentacijom i Gala večerom, službenim otvorenjem na kojem će prisustvovati brojni ugledni gosti, uključujući predsjednicu Federacije BiH Lidiju Bradaru, predstavnike federalnih ministarstava, lokalnih vlada, Olimpijskog komiteta Bosne i Hercegovine, te predstavnike međunarodnih organizacija i sponzora. Govornici na VIP prezentaciji uključuju Mariju Vukoju Lastvić iz udruge Visit Blidinje, Ivana Jurilja iz Ureda Vlade ŽZH za europske integracije, Nedu Pinezića stručnjaka i promotora vrijednosti obiteljskog i ruralnog turizma u Hrvatskoj i Tonija Zorića kao organizatora i predsjednika Biciklističkog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovaj ekskluzivni događaj poslužiti će kao prilika za daljnje umrežavanje i razgovore.

Subota, 13.07.2024.: Dan je posvećen rekreativcima i obiteljima. Prijave za rekreativnu biciklijadu “Stazom ‘Ajduka” počinju u rano jutro, a biciklijada započinje u 10:00 sati. Sudionici će obići najljepše dijelove Blidinja uz turističke vodiče i uživati u lokalnoj gastronomskoj ponudi. Također, tijekom subote i nedjelje održavat će se sajam domaćih proizvoda i outdoor opreme, gdje će 13 domaćih proizvođača predstaviti svoje proizvode. Posjetitelji će imati priliku testirati nova Škoda vozila, nove ponudu Continental guma sa novim značajkama i načinima izrade, modele bicikala i opreme na biciklističkim štandovima, kao i kupovati proizvode po promotivnim cijenama. Večernji party održat će se u Caffe baru Sky na SKI stazi, a uključivati će tombolu i nagradnu igru sa vrijednim nagradama za sve sudionike.

Nedjelja, 14.07.2024.: Dan je rezerviran za profesionalne bicikliste koji će se natjecati za naslov Balkanskog prvaka i bodove za UCI Class 1 utrku. Utrka počinje u 10:00 sati, a nakon nje slijedi svečano proglašenje pobjednika uz nastup HKUD Posušje. Rekreativci također mogu sudjelovati u ovom danu punom adrenalina i zabave. Registracije su dostupne na ovom linku.

Jako velike napore smo uložili u ovogodišnji Bike Festival, radimo neprekidno 11 mjeseci na ovom projektu i danas mogu slobodno reći kako sam ponosan zbog posla koji smo napravili. Neću mnogo govoriti, naša djela će govoriti za nas, a ja ću iskoristiti ovu priliku da se zahvalim ekipi koja stoji iza ovog događaja.  U organizaciju je uključeno 100 ljudi koji će se brinuti za sigurnost svih sudionika i sprovođenje događaja koji će na najbolji način promovirati sportske i turističke potencijale Bosne i Hercegovine. Nadalje, veliko hvala ide svim našim partnerima, sponzorima i prijateljima koji su na bilo koji način pomogli održavanje ovog događaja. Sva ta imena su zaslužna za ovu veliku promociju sporta i turizma koja se događa u ovim trenucima", commented Toni Zorić.

Posebne aktivnosti

Trening kamp sa UCI stručnjacima: U suradnji s Međunarodnom biciklističkom federacijom (UCI), dva UCI stručnjaka iz Švicarske će deset dana prije festivala održavati edukacije za trenere biciklističkih klubova. Treneri koji završe tečaj dobit će međunarodnu licencu, što će unaprijediti kvalitetu biciklizma u regiji.

Podrška i partneri

Festival uživa podršku mnogih institucija i sponzora.

Generalni pokrovitelj: Continental Tires

Pokrovitelji događaja: Olimpijski komitet Bosne i Hercegovine, Federalno ministarstvo Obrazovanja i Nauke, Federalno ministarstvo Kulture i Sporta, Vlada Hercegovačko-neretvanske županije, Vlada Županije Zapadnohercegovačke, Vlada Hercegbosanske županije, Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i zaštite okoliša HNŽ/K, Grad Mostar, općina Posušje, USAID Turizam BiH, Ambasada republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Italijanska agencija za razvojnu saradnju – AICS i CISP Bosna i Hercegovina u okviru projekta NaturBosniaHerzegovina, Turistička zajednica HNŽ/K and Sportski Savez Grada Mostara.

Srebreni sponzor – HT Eronet

Brončani sponzor – Škoda Apolo

Službena voda festivala – LEDA

Sponzori: Fortuna Tours, OAKLEY, Lasta, Proteini.si, Satelit TBM, Visit Blidinje, restoran “Hajdučke Vrleti”, restoran “Staza” and restoran “Risovac”.

Organizatori pozivaju sve ljubitelje biciklizma i prirode da se pridruže ovom jedinstvenom događaju. “Jako velike napore smo uložili u ovogodišnji Bike Festival, radimo neprekidno 11 mjeseci na ovom projektu i danas mogu slobodno reći kako sam ponosan zbog posla koji smo napravili,” rekao je Toni Zorić, jedan od organizatora. “Hvala svim našim medijskim prijateljima koji nas vjerno prate i promoviraju ovo što radimo. Bez njih ovo ne bi bilo moguće,” dodao je Zorić.

Rezervirajte svoj smještaj i uživajte u nezaboravnoj vikend avanturi na Blidinju!

Za više informacija, posjetite web stranicu Blidinje BIKE Festivala.

01 Jul, 24

Oakley stao uz Blidinje BIKE Festival

Oakley, marka vrhunskih naočala i outdoor opreme, postao je sponzor Blidinje BIKE Festivala, samo nekoliko dana prije početka ovog vrhunskog outdoor događaja koji se održava u Parku prirode Blidinje. Ugovorom koji je danas potpisan s udrugom HerzegovinaBike, Oakley je postao sponzor za sva tri dana događaja u 2024. godini, a razmatra se i čvršća suradnja za 2025. godinu s nekim velikim događajima koji su još u početnim fazama planiranja.

Ovaj vrhunski brend naočala surađivat će s timom HerzegovinaBike u cilju promocije i razvoja biciklizma kao sporta i turizma.

Iz tvrtke Vision d.o.o. komentirali su: “Oakley je brend koji je nadahnut stalnim traženjem napretka u smislu razvoja vrhunske opreme i potragom za pouzdanim partnerima koji žive za sport i promoviraju ga kroz svoje djelovanje. Udruga HerzegovinaBike svojim djelovanjem kroz dugi niz godina potvrđuje njihova očekivanja. Uvjereni smo da će ova suradnja biti na obostrano zadovoljstvo i da je ovo tek početak jedne veće priče u Bosni i Hercegovini kada govorimo o promociji biciklizma i Oakley brenda, koji je pozicioniran kao vrhunski biciklistički brend i tako se želi predstaviti na tržištu BiH.”

Želim izraziti veliko zadovoljstvo i ponos zbog suradnje s brendom Oakley. Njihova podrška je iznimno važna za naš festival, koji je najveći biciklistički festival u Bosni i Hercegovini. Partnerstvo s renomiranim brendom kao što je Oakley dodatno potvrđuje kvalitetu i značaj našeg festivala“, komentirao je Toni Zorić, president of the HerzegovinaBike association.

Ova suradnja predstavlja korak naprijed u promociji biciklizma i turizma u našoj regiji. Oakley, sa svojim vrhunskim proizvodima i posvećenošću izvrsnosti, savršeno se uklapa u našu viziju i ciljeve. Zajedno ćemo raditi na unapređenju sportskih i turističkih potencijala Parka prirode Blidinje i šireg područja Hercegovine. Vjerujem da je ovo tek početak jedne dugoročne i uspješne suradnje koja će donijeti mnoge benefite svim ljubiteljima outdoor aktivnosti, a naručito biciklizma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zahvaljujem se tvrtki Vision d.o.o. na povjerenju i radujem se svemu što zajedno možemo postići u godinama koje dolaze“, dodao je Zorić.

Blidinje BIKE Festival, najveći biciklistički festival u Bosni i Hercegovini, počinje u petak, 12. srpnja 2024. godine, a završava u nedjelju, 14. srpnja 2024. godine, kada će se održati profesionalne utrke Balkanskog prvenstva i UCI Class 1 maraton utrka.

Više informacija o ovom događaju možete saznati na web stranici Blidinje BIKE Festival, a još uvijek nije kasno da se registrirate i postanete sudionikom ovog velikog događaja.

10 Jun, 24

The city of Mostar supported the organization of the Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival

The city of Mostar provided strong support to the event Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival, one of the largest cycling festivals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is held in the wonderful location of the Blidinje Nature Park.

The Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival, known for bringing together lovers of cycling, nature and adventure, has become an unmissable event for everyone who appreciates an active lifestyle and the preservation of natural beauty. The city of Mostar, recognizing the importance of such events for the promotion of tourism and sports, decided to provide full support to the organization of the festival.

The president of the Bicycling Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the organizers of this important event for sports met today in the City Hall of the City of Mostar with the mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic and the president of the City Council Salem Marić, with which he presented the vision and mission behind the idea of ​​organizing such an important event in a pleasant atmosphere and conversation. It is important to say that in 2024 the organization of the Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival is on the calendar of the Balkan Federation, as well as on the calendar of the International Cycling Federation, where it is a UCI event of the high UCI Class 1 category. All this says that this year Blidinje will host around 20 countries of the world, and in this way we will promote the Blidinje Nature Park and Bosnia and Herzegovina as a must-see cycling destination.

The support of the City of Mostar towards the Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival is of great importance for our city and region. This is an opportunity to show the beauty of our nature, promote cycling as a healthy way of life and attract tourists from all over the world," stated Toni Zorić, predsjednik Biciklističkog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine. “In Herzegovina, an extremely large amount of work has been done in terms of cycle tourism, and today, thanks to the hardworking team behind the "HerzegovinaBike" Association, our country is renowned as an excellent cycle tourism destination. Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival is another top media channel through which we strive to promote everything we have in Bosnia and Herzegovina when it comes to cycle tourism. This year, that promotion is going to 20 countries around the world, which is certainly no small thing. We, as organizers, have great experience and human capacity in organizing these events, and the support of the authorities at all levels is a key aspect and partner in order to present our country in the best possible light.Zorić added.

The festival offers a variety of cycling activities throughout the three days of the event, with trails that pass through the spectacular landscapes of the Blidinje Nature Park, allowing participants to enjoy incredible panoramas, clean air and untouched nature. The program includes bicycle races as the central part of the event, but also recreational bicycle rides for the whole family, workshops and various fun activities for younger generations, and educational workshops that will be held this year by International UCI lecturers, which provides a unique experience for all visitors.

The organizers of the festival expressed their great gratitude to the City of Mostar for their support, stressing that this kind of cooperation is essential for the success and further growth of the event. "The support of the City of Mostar means a lot to us. Together we can achieve even greater results, events at even greater levels and attract an even greater number of participants“.

The Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival is becoming a symbol of community, sport and ecology, and with the support of the City of Mostar, as well as authorities from all levels, from local to national, this event has every predisposition to become an even bigger and more significant event on the map of European cycling events.

28 May, 24

The Government of HNŽ sponsors the Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival

The organizers of the event "Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival", which is held for the seventh year in a row, but for the first time as a higher-level event, i.e. as the Balkan Championship and the UCI Class 1 XCM Herzegovina Marathon, with the approval of the Balkan Federation and the World Cycling Federation, were presented today by the presidents of the Government of Herzegovina- Neretva County Mariji Buhač project of this year's event.

The President of the Cycling Association of BiH, Toni Zorić, emphasized the touristic and economic importance of both the project itself, which is growing into a traditional summer event in the Blidinje Nature Park, and the fact that this year they are making a big step forward in terms of gathering cyclists from approximately 20 European countries, with hundreds of participants. on the trails of Blidinje, which in lengths of 56 km and 85 km will pass through the most beautiful areas of Blidinje, but also connect cultural and historical destinations.

"The World Cycling Federation (UCI) approved us to organize a first-class race, with the ultimate intention of organizing the European Championship in Herzegovina, expected in the coming four years. The project is extremely complex, large and comprehensive, because over three days, with the opening on July 12, in addition to the official race, we have planned a family recreational day, an appropriate fair of cycling equipment and indigenous Herzegovina products, training for new cycle tourism guides, training for children and young athletes , but also our tourist offers. As Blidinje administratively belongs to the area of three counties, family businesses, small businesses, restaurateurs and tourism workers from the area of HNŽ, ZHŽ and HBŽ are also included in the organization", explained Zorić.

Apart from him, the project was also discussed Marija Vukoja, head of the "Visit Blidinje" project and Ivan Jurilj, director of the Office for European Integration at the Government of ZHŽ, has been actively involved in projects for the development of cycle tourism and the branding of Herzegovina as a unique tourist product for years.

This is a serious project on the path of tourism development not only in HNŽ, but in Herzegovina as a region and it deserves our attention and support. Cyclotourism is undoubtedly one of the most potent tourism branches in this climate and, as such, it naturally stands out among our strategically important activities, especially in the light of the preparation of the Tourism Development Strategy of HNŽ. The support of the Government of HNŽ will not be lacking, and I am of the opinion that, together with colleagues from neighboring counties, we must strongly support ideas and projects that lead to the creation of a unique Herzegovinian tourist brand that makes us more globally visible and attractive. The Balkan, tomorrow and European cycling championships in our natural pearl, the Blidinje Nature Park, is certainly one of those", concluded Buhač.

Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival, the largest cycling festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be held from July 12-14, 2024, and the organizers are announcing a spectacular weekend. You can view the event program on the official website Blidinje BIKE Festivala (link).

15 May, 24

The municipality of Posušje supported the organization of the Blidinje BIKE Festival: A celebration of culture, nature and sports

Municipality of Posušje, May 15/May 2024 - Blidinje BIKE Festival, an event that brings together lovers of nature, cycling and adventure, has once again received strong support from the mayor of the municipality of Posušje, Ante Begića.

The biggest cycling festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has already become an unavoidable summer gathering in the region, attracted a lot of attention in 2024 with the organization of the Balkan Championship and the UCI Class 1 race, thus becoming an unavoidable destination for cyclists and teams from several countries around the world. This three-day event, in addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle and outdoor activities, Blidinje BIKE Festival emphasizes the importance of preserving natural beauty and promotes the tourist potential of this beautiful area.

Mayor Begić expressed his support for this event, noting:Blidinje BIKE Festival in local, and I would dare to say regional frameworks is a unique event that promotes positive values in several fields. First of all, it encourages healthy sports activities and gives motivation to all generations to engage in this type of sport and recreation. Furthermore, it attracts participants from several dozen countries who take away good impressions from this competition. It also arouses the interest of domestic and foreign media, both directly for the competition, and indirectly for the unique environment in which it is held, the untouched nature of PP Blidinje, which contributes to the promotion of tourism and its development. Therefore, this year, as in previous years, we will wholeheartedly support the organization of this sports event, with the wish that it remain one of the most important long-term sports projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”. 

In addition to bringing sportsmanship to the region, this cycling festival also has a significant economic impact, boosting tourism and the local economy. It is important to say that Posusje and the surrounding areas have a rich natural heritage that should be preserved and promoted, and cyclotourism and cycling play a key role in this.

The organizers of the festival expressed their gratitude for the support of the municipality of Posušje and Mayor Begić and announced a superb event and an exciting program in 2024. "The Blidinje BIKE Festival is not only a sporting event, but an opportunity to highlight the beauty of our nature and promote our country as a destination. In the past years, we have worked hard to enrich our country with cycling trails and facilities, and we see the Blidinje BIKE Festival as a great opportunity to promote all our work and our country as an excellent tourist destination to the surrounding countries”, said Toni Zorić, president of the HerzegovinaBike association.

In addition to bringing sportsmanship to the region, the festival also has a significant economic impact, boosting tourism and the local economy. Posusje and the surrounding areas have a rich natural heritage that needs to be preserved and promoted, and the Blidinje BIKE Festival plays a key role in this.

It is expected that the Blidinje BIKE Festival will continue to grow and attract an increasing number of visitors in the years ahead, thus contributing to the development of tourism and the promotion of an active lifestyle in the region. Blidinje BIKE Festival becomes a symbol of community, culture, nature and sport, and the support of local authorities such as the municipality of Posušje is crucial for its further success and growth.

18 Apr, 24

Blidinje BIKE Festival with the support of the President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

July is a great month for being outdoors and promoting Bosnia and Herzegovina at the upcoming Bike Festival held in the Blidinje Nature Park, and she saw the significance of this event as well. the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Lidija Bradar.

It is less known that the institution of the President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina also has an office in Mostar. Between regular activities and obligations, Office of the President of the Federation Lidija Bradara it is also used for numerous meetings with parties or citizens for whom Mostar is much closer than Sarajevo.

Visit to Mostar, the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Lidija used Bradar to meet the organizers of the Blidinje BIKE Festival. In a pleasant environment, through conversation, Toni Zorić and Josip Barišić, the presidents of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented the significance, as well as the goal and mission of this open-air event, which gathers professional athletes, recreationists and entire families, and promotes the tourism potential of our country to the participants, who this year come from 20 countries of the world.

I was not previously familiar with this idea and the potential that comes from an organization like this. The guys from the association Herzegovina Bike, who are preparing a sports-tourist event in Blidinje, have great ideas. The event will include official international competitions, but will also promote the tourist and gastronomic potential of the mentioned BiH pearl of nature, all through one ever-growing form of tourism - active tourism. It is obvious that this is a team that has enormous experience in organizing these events and that has been working for years to popularize cycling and sports in general, and I am happy that they recognized me as a potential collaborator on the project and that they approached me for support“, said Lidija Bradara, president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Three days of events in the Blidinje Nature Park are focused on cycling, recreation in nature, educational workshops, entertainment and much more. Thousands of visitors are expected, and the highlight of the event will be the XCM Balkan Championship and the UCI Class 1 XCM Herzegovina MTB marathon, where professional cyclists from 20 countries will compete. In addition, there is an exciting program, which includes educational workshops and activities for the youngest cyclists on the track, family gatherings, an exhibition fair and lots of entertainment, which the organizers rounded off the weekend of the festival and brought that familiar feeling of fulfillment.

Blidinje BIKE Festival has just received a big wind at its back and we are simply overjoyed about it. First of all, we are happy that the president decided to receive us in order to present our project, efforts and efforts to position our country as a cycling destination. I have to admit that today I came to the meeting without too many expectations, simply to present our work, but the pleasant environment and openness of the president to support positive ideas pleasantly surprised me and we are happy that such an important person as the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina stands behind our idea and supports our work", said Toni Zorić, president of the HerzegovinaBike association.

This is a great indicator that we are doing a good job, and now we have an even bigger task to bring the organization of the event to a high level and give our country the promotion it deserves.Zorić added.

Judging by the great interest in the early registrations for this year's edition, we have a superb event ahead of us. Both the recreational bicycle race on the 'Ajduka Trail and the professional XCM Herzegovina race arouse great interest among cyclists. All of this makes us very happy, and this kind of support gives us an additional wind behind us to bring competitors and visitors a top event“, said Josip Barišić, president of BK Mostar.

Blidinje BIKE Festival is traditionally held in the month of July, and this year is no exception. During the three days of the event, from Friday to Sunday, numerous visitors will have access to an exciting program, and through the exhibition fair, small local producers of domestic products will be presented, and Blidinje will be promoted as an outdoor destination.

You can find the entire event program and all the latest information related to the event on the official website Blidinje BIKE Festival website (link).

11 Apr, 24

With ŠKODA vehicles at the Blidinje BIKE Festival 2024.

Authorized dealer and repairer of Škoda Apolo vehicles, decided to support the upcoming Blidinje BIKE Festival event and will be the Bronze sponsor of this event. All visitors and participants of the event in 2024 will have the opportunity to meet new products from the ŠKODA factory and test the latest vehicles during the Blidinje BIKE Festival event.

This year, when the Blidinje BIKE Festival becomes part of the new and prestigious UCI calendar with the Class 1 event category, where the Balkan Championship will also be held, ŠKODA has expressed its interest in attending this event, strengthening its commitment to cycling and contributing its knowledge and experience in the sector.

ŠKODA has been nurturing a special relationship with cycling for 120 years. From the first Slavia-branded bikes that left their factory, ŠKODA's passion for two-wheelers is as strong as it was 12 decades ago. We can safely say that ŠKODA has never lost its passion for cycling. The brand sells its own range of two-wheelers and is deeply involved at all levels of cycling. Since 2004, ŠKODA has supported the "Tour de France", the most famous cycling race in the world, as an official sponsor and vehicle partner. It also sponsors other renowned national and international cycling events and maintains comprehensive participation in cycling as a grassroots sport.

In 2024, our support also goes to the biggest cycling festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Blidinje BIKE Festival, said the marketing department of Apolo:

 „For some time now, we have been following the efforts and positive projects that the association "Hercegovina Bicikl" is realizing here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its presence brings positive changes in the matter of cycling as a sport and cycle tourism. Škoda is widely known for our commitment to this sport, and we, as a local ŠKODA partner, have been waiting for the right moment to get more actively involved in cycling here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, make our contribution and be part of the positive changes that cycling as a sport, a way of life and an increasingly present form of tourism brings. Blidinje BIKE Festival is only the first step in our cooperation, our goals are much bigger and we believe that the association "Hercegovina Bicikl" is the right partner for achieving these goals.

There are still 120 days left until the start of the Blidinje BIKE Festival, the biggest cycling festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina that takes place from July 12-14, 2024, and the organizers do not hide their great excitement about this project, and announce a spectacular weekend. You can view the event program on the official website Blidinje BIKE Festivala (link), but the association says that the program is still not final, and they announce new things that will soon be on the list.

This is great news and we are very excited about this collaboration. All these are great things for the Blidinje BIKE Festival, which in 2024 has become an international event, not only in terms of the participants coming to us from 20 countries, but also in terms of the partners who stand by the Blidinje BIKE Festival. First, we signed a cooperation with the company Continental, and then there was a negotiation with the authorized dealer and servicer of Škoda vehicles in Herzegovina, Apolo, with ŠKODA vehicles, and what is important to say is that all these are names that stand with the biggest events in the world, such as "Tour de France" and many others, and today they are here in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Blidinje BIKE Festival. This is what makes us happy and gives us faith that this event will reach the high limits towards which we are actually aiming, because the year 2024 is only an ascending step towards what awaits us soon", commented Toni Zorić, president of the HerzegovinaBike association.

During the Blidinje BIKE Festival, the company Apolo Mostar will be present at the exhibition fair with ŠKODA vehicles, which participants and visitors will have the opportunity to test in the Blidinje Nature Park, and receive all the information about the novelties that ŠKODA will bring in 2024, as well as how to the easiest and fastest way to become the owner of a new ŠKODA vehicle.

See you in Blidinje!
#SkodaLovesCycling #FeelTheNature

20 Feb, 24

Continental is the general sponsor of the biggest cycling festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Continental Corporation, one of the world's leading tire manufacturers and one of the leaders in the auto industry, is the general sponsor of the Blidinje BIKE Festival, which will be held in the Blidinje Nature Park from July 12 to 14, 2024.

Jedan od najvećih svjetskih proizvođača pneumatika za putnička vozila na tržištu originalne opreme i rezervnih dijelova potencijal je vidio upravo u najvećem biciklističkom događaju u Bosni i Hercegovini. Širom svijeta ova korporacija upošljava preko 190.000 ljudi u 61 zemlji na 554 lokacija. To je velika porodica koja je društveno odgovorna i prisutna u svjetskom biciklizmu već dulji niz godina, a danas žele biti vjetar u leđa razvoju biciklizma u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Continental je sponzor „Tour de France“ događaja, najveće biciklističke utrke na svijetu, koja se održava u Francuskoj svake godine od 1903. godine, a birno je i kazati kako Continental ima svoj tim mlađih kadeta na ovom velikom događaju. Naime, svake godine Tour of France poziva sljedeću generaciju talentiranih biciklista da voze ispred glavnih konkurenata kao službeni kadeti utrke ‒ “Les Cadets Juniors du Tour”. Ovo je iznimna prilika za promicanje biciklizma i isticanje užitka bavljenja sportskim aktivnostima za mlađe naraštaje. Svake godine Continental s ponosom podržava nove događaje na njihovom uzbudljivom putovanju i sve ovo gore navedeno prethodilo je potpisivanju ugovora sa jednim od najvećih biciklističkih festivala u Bosni i Hercegovini – Blidinje BIKE Festival.

Potpisivanje ugovora se dogodilo upravo u Mariboru, središnjici Continentala za Adria regiju, a predsjednik udruge “HerzegovinaBike”, Toni Zorić tom prilikom imao je za kazati: “Ovo danas doista vidim kao velik dan za biciklizam u Bosni i Hercegovini. Naravno, sretni smo što iza našeg Blidinje BIKE Festivala stoji jedan ovako velik partner i prije svega veliko ime kao što je Continental, no bitno je kazati da je ovo tek početak jedne veće suradnje, gdje Continental nastoji ne samo podržavati biciklističke događaje, već razvoj cjelokupnog biciklizma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Vjerujem da ne griješim kada kažem kako je ovo jedno od najvećih imena koje je ikada stalo uz biciklizam u Bosni i Hercegovini i na nama je da njegujemo tu suradnju i činimo velike stvari u godinama koje su pred nama“.

Matko Kariž, ispred Continental organizacije zadužene za razvoj poslovanja u regiji Jugoistočne Europe: „Ponosni smo što možemo podržati organizaciju najvećeg biciklističkog događaja u Bosni i Hercegovini: Blidinje Bike Festival. Tržište Bosne i Hercegovine je vrlo važno za Continental što je vidljivo i u činjenici da je Bosna i Hercegovina jedina država u regiji u kojoj Continental ulaže u razvoj BestDrive mreže servisa za gume i vozila. Baš zbog te važnosti tržišta Bosne i Hercegovine za Continental, donijeli smo odluku o strateškom partnerstvu u promociji biciklizma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Utjecaj biciklizma na društvo u cijelosti je vrlo bitan jer promiče zdrav način života, ali i zaštitu okoliša što je vrlo važan čimbenik u poslovanju Continentala. Veselimo se zajedničkom doprinosu razvoja biciklizma u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i generalnom poboljšanju mobilnosti stanovništva što je i naša globalna misija“.

Blidinje BIKE Festival, najveći biciklistički festival u Bosni i Hercegovini otvorio je  registracije za svoje peto izdanje događaja koje će se održati od 12. do 14. Srpnja u Parku prirode Blidinje.


I ove godine središnji dio SKI centra u Parku prirode Blidinje bit će ispunjen zvukom navijanja i zviždanjem horde navijača, dok kotači natjecatelja budu lomili makadamske staze Blidinja u potjeri za najbržim vremenom ulaska u cilj. I ono najvažnije, ove godine Blidinje BIKE Festival nosi visoku kategoriju UCI Class 1, dok se ujedno istog dana održava i Balkansko prvenstvo u maratonu, što znači će Blidinje BIKE Festival polučiti novog Balkanskog prvaka – saznati ćemo tko je najbolji među 20 zemalja svijeta!

Ovaj trodnevni događaj osim MTB maratona sadržavat će i brojne druge outdoor aktivnosti, rekreativni događaji, edukativne radionice, tu su događaji za cijele obitelji, a neće nedostajati ni dobre zabave u kasnim satima, jer i ove godine subota je planirana za noćni party! Ništa bolje od malo zagrijavanja pred nedeljnu utrku.

Više o Blidinje BIKE Festivalu možete pronaći na njihovoj službenoj web adresi: www.bbf.ba

08 Jan, 24

REGULATIONS for Blidinje Bike Festival


I- Registrations

1.1 Your registration is valid as soon as you make the payment and receive, by e-mail, the confirmation of the registration you made on the website.

1.2 Each registration for the "Blidinje Bike Festival" implies acceptance of these rules, as well as the rules published at the place of registration or by event officials (rides, tests, competitions, recreational events or entertainment events/parties).

1.3. "Blidinje Bike Festival" ensures the timing of the races so that your performance at the event is as accurate and transparent as possible.

1.4. Activities with bicycles are open to all participants, while minors need the presence of a parent/guardian at the event or bring with them a parent's confirmation/approval for minors.

1.5 "Children's race" is open to children from 4 to 14 years old (presence or parental approval is required).

1.6. The purchase and withdrawal of each registration for the Blidinje Bike Festival is only possible by an adult (over 18 years old).

II- Conditions of purchase and registration for the event

2.1. Registration for activities throughout the day or for two-day activities is done via the website www.bbf.ba (“Official Website”).

2.2. Registrations for all-day or two-day activities are available at the event itself, but places are limited. Please note that the registration fee comes with a lower price during early registrations, while the prices for registrations on the day of the event will be increased. Also, late registration or registration on the day of the event does not guarantee a t-shirt and full start package.

2.3. Participants must pick up their start package/number at the "Blidinje Bike Festival" registration booth.

III- Terms of payment

3.1. Each person registering for one or more activities is responsible for paying the full registration fee.

3.2. Registration is valid if the full amount is paid as indicated on the website: www.bbf.ba or at the registration point on the day of the event.

3.3. All payments can be made via bank or postal transfers. Payments on the day of the event allow cash payments.

4.4. If you are paying the registration fee from abroad and need more information about the payment method, we recommend that you contact the organizers by email. Our staff will be ready to help you at any time.

IV- Modifications

The organization reserves the right to make any changes to this rulebook.

V- Request to change your registration

5.1. Changes to the registration will be accepted in exceptional cases, up to 21 days before the opening of the registration office, i.e. the official start date of the event, with a written request and the attachment of appropriate documents. We cannot guarantee a positive answer.

5.2. Replacement of registration is possible.

5.3. Change requests will not be considered on the day of the event.

VI- Request to transfer your registration

6.1. Any person who wants to exchange registration with another person, if that person meets all the conditions related to this rulebook, will have to inform the organization about this exchange no later than 21 days before the start of the event, by registered mail with a return receipt sent to the following address: "HerzegovinaBike" Association, Dr. .Milana Šuflaja 58, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina or by e-mail at info@bbf.ba, specifying the following information: – your last name, first name and address – last name, first name, address, date of birth of the person with whom the exchange is being made, e-mail address and phone number of the exchange – shirt size – registration number and a copy of the e-mail confirming the registration.

6.2. After receiving the registration letter or email, your replacement will receive a registration confirmation. You and the substitute will be responsible for paying the total price of the registrations and any costs incurred by the exchange (eg letter delivery costs etc.).

VII- Request for cancellation and refund

7.1. Requests for cancellation and refund will be accepted only in exceptional cases, no later than one month before the event, provided that the organizers have not already purchased/ordered a start package for you. The request for cancellation and refund is made with a written request to the official email info@bbf.ba. We cannot guarantee a positive response.

7.2. Refunds are not possible in case of replacement registration.

7.3. Cancellation and refund requests will not be considered within 30 days prior to the start of the event.

VIII- Bicycle testing conditions and equipment by the exhibitor

8.1. As part of the testing of bicycles and equipment, each participant must take care of the material and equipment lent to him/her during participation in the "Blidinje Bike Festival", it is appropriate to use and generally follow the instructions and/or recommendations communicated to him/her in that context.

8.2. In the event of a loss and/or an incident that caused damage, the respondent undertakes, at the choice of the provider, to either replace or compensate the damaged and lost equipment and/or material at their own expense. In the case of an accepted exchange, it is understood that the exchange must consist of materials or equipment that are strictly identical to those originally loaned and are assumed to be in working order.

8.3. If at any time the Participant has the impression that the equipment and/or loaned material is not working properly, they will immediately stop using it and notify the brand representative so that they can check it and make any necessary repairs or adjustments.

IX- Use of tracks/routes for testing

9.1. Testing tracks are reserved for testing bicycles and accessories for all participants of the Blidinje Bike Festival who have registered for testing at the event's official exhibitors.

9.2. The organization, i.e. companies exhibiting at the event, reserve the right to remove the registration for testing from a person who will perform an activity that is not in accordance with what he registered for.

9.3. The organization reserves the right to make changes in the routes, therefore in the distance and/or difference in height, without prior notice.

9.4. The organizer declines all responsibility in the event that the lifts that enable testing of DH bikes on the SKI track are not working or are closed.

9.5. In consultation with the person responsible for the operation and safety of the ski lifts, the organization reserves the right to block access to the lifts or cancel the event if weather conditions or changes in weather conditions (fog, rain, etc.) may endanger participants.

X- Insurance

10.1. Each participant must have accident and liability insurance.

We strongly recommend that you contact your insurance company to find out your accident coverage and adjust it, if necessary, to the activities you are registering for.

10.2. In the event of an accident or rescue, the costs of treatment will be covered by the participant's personal insurance (especially helicopter and hospitalization costs).

10.3. The organizer declines any responsibility in case of accident and responsibility, as well as any responsibility in case of loss, theft or damage of borrowed material or personal equipment.

XI- Safety rules

11.1. Wearing a solid mountain bike helmet that meets CE standards is mandatory (for all activities), and gloves and goggles are recommended. At recreational events such as the "Ajduka Track" cycling event, it is strictly recommended to wear a helmet, while at the professional event "XCM Herzegovina" it is mandatory to wear a helmet and people who do not have a helmet will not be able to participate.

11.2. At the recreational event "Stazo Ajduka" it is not necessary to carry first aid, as well as tools for bicycle service, since the organizer ensures this, while at the professional event "XCM Herzegovina" it is recommended to carry a minimal repair kit or a team escort that will be on the technical track zones.

11.3. As the weather in the mountains is very changeable, it is recommended to bring warm clothes and rain gear even though the event takes place in the summer months. Inform the organizers or your colleagues before leaving for training and a tour of the track, if you are going to ride alone.

11.4. Be sure to follow traffic regulations on roads open to traffic.

11.5. In the event of an accident, notify the staff or the central emergency station via the number marked at the registration booth.

XII- Behavior on the field

12.1. For their own safety, participants must follow the instructions given by the Organizer through the staff and volunteers present on the field.

12.2. All trail abandonments should be reported to the Organization (nearest aid station, supply point/feed zone or staff). In the absence of information about abandonment and loss, the participant will be responsible for the means used to search for it.

XIII- Evidence

13.1. When participating in the events at the Blidinje Bike Festival, the participant undertakes to attend the briefing for the event or activity and to ensure that his bike is functioning properly and is equipped with front and rear brakes. The participant undertakes to wear the protective equipment (helmet, gloves, etc.) required for driving without leaving the "track" of the marked itinerary, without intentionally shortening it and in accordance with traffic regulations on roads open to traffic.

13.2. The participant also undertakes to respect the human, animal, natural, plant and urban environment (for example, he must not throw or leave garbage in nature, on the roads or in any other place. He must keep it and put it in containers for the selective collection of garbage that is provided by the Organizer). He undertakes not to dispute the decisions of the organizers or local authorities and to respect the instructions of the organizers. Obliges to comply with the rules of the proposed event or activity.

XIV- Damage compensation

The Participant agrees, for himself and his family members, to indemnify and hold responsible, including costs and legal fees, the Organizer as well as their representatives and employees, from any claims and lawsuits for bodily injury, property damage and damage caused to a third party, caused by directly or indirectly by act or omission while riding his bike or participating in the Blidinje Bike Festival.

XV- Rights to use photos

15.1 Each participant authorizes Blidinje BIKE Festival, and/or any natural person and/or legal entity that replaces him, as well as any third party acting on his behalf, to use, reproduce and adapt photographs, static or audio-visual images on which may appear during participation in the Blidinje Bike Festival, on all useful media (including promotional and/or advertising documents), on any private or public, national or international telecommunications network (especially the Internet, intranet, extranet) in an unlimited number, in any which material, color and format. These authorizations are granted free of charge, for the longest period provided by law, regulations and applicable agreements in force, including any possible extensions of that period, and worldwide.

15.2 When registering, picking up the start package and/or participating in the event, each participant agrees to be photographed by the Organization.

XVI- Recognition and acceptance of risks

16.1. Each participant declares that he accepts the risks of cycling and that he will use the proposed route solely at his own risk and judgment.

16.2. The Participant acknowledges and accepts that he is participating in an event that may present dangers and is aware that the activity he is participating in may result in the risk of accidents, injury or death.

16.3. Since the event takes place on natural terrain, the participant must be aware of the natural obstacles on the course. He participates in the event at his own risk and responsibility.

16.4. The decision to participate implies agreement with the risks of cycling in the mountains, on trails, on natural terrain.

16.5. The participant acknowledges and accepts that the organization cannot guarantee his safety during the event, that the risks of cycling are beyond the control of the organizer and that any fall on his part may result in serious bodily injury or even death.

16.6. The participant is aware that the suggested routes, although marked, are not and cannot be fully insured by the organizers.

16.7. The participant is responsible for his choice of the proposed route and undertakes to ensure that his decision is in accordance with his experience and level of cycling practice, as well as his physical condition.

16.8. Participation in the Blidinje Bike Festival requires good physical condition, which implies that the participant acknowledges, in particular:

    • that he is not under the influence of drugs that affect his physical or intellectual abilities,

    • that she is not pregnant, nor has she given birth in less than 6 months (follow the doctor's instructions in this case),

    • not to suffer from heart problems or fragility of joints (joints, knees, tendinitis, ligaments, etc.),

    • to know his physical abilities and limitations well,

    • that he is not prone to asthma and epileptic attacks,

    • that he is not under the influence of alcohol and/or substances that affect his or her intellectual or physical abilities. The participant also undertakes to comply with the safety instructions and rules that may be published, in addition to wearing a helmet in all circumstances, to comply with the rules of traffic regulations and to express caution and judgment when moving and using the borrowed equipment.

XVII- Disclaimer

17.1. Within the limits of applicable legal provisions, the participant releases the organizer and its staff, directors, employees or volunteers and other auxiliary persons, mountaineers, representatives and agents from any liability in connection with losses, injuries or damages arising from his participation in the Blidinje Bike Festival.

17.2. Therefore, the participant waives the right to submit any future claims against the organizer and its staff, directors, employees or volunteers and other auxiliary persons, mountaineers, representatives and agents for any bodily injury, attack on bodily integrity, including that which may lead to death, for any material damage or moral damage and for any damage he may suffer as a result of his participation in the Blidinje Bike Festival, regardless of the causes, for any fault or negligence, except in the case of fraud or gross negligence.

17.3. The Participant agrees, as a consequence of the preceding paragraph, not to initiate legal proceedings, nor file any criminal charges or reports, and undertakes not to become a civil party in any criminal proceedings against the organizers of the event, their staff, directors and their assistants, nor imply to the same extent as their contracting parties.

17.4. By checking the box "I accept the terms of the policy, disclaimer and rights on the website", you confirm that you have read and understood the information provided here and that you have benefited from all useful explanations in the context of your participation in the Blidinje Bike Festival. You are aware of and acknowledge that you possess the skills required to participate in this event. You undertake to comply with the stated rules and prohibitions. As you are fully involved in the implementation of this event, you accept the risks associated with practicing sports and therefore expressly release the "Herzegovina Bike" Association and other companies and partners present at the Blidinje Bike Festival from responsibility in case you suffer an injury during participation. Finally, you acknowledge that the obligations and indemnities assumed will bind your successors and assigns.

17.5. The participant undertakes to comply with the health regulations set by the Health Service of the County/Canton, the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the organizer.

17.6. The organizer declines all responsibility if the participant becomes infected by a third party during the event.

Frequently asked questions

Blidinje Bike Festival will be held from July 26 to 28, 2024.

The Blidinje Bike Festival is held in the Blidinje Nature Park (Blidinje, Masna Luka bb, Posusje 88240, BiH)

Friday, 26.07.2024., 12:00 – 19:00h

Saturday, 27.07.2024., 10:00 – 19:00h

Sunday, 28.07.2024., 08:00 – 16:00h

*the stated working hours may be subject to change.

Complete PROGRAM OF EVENTS you can find HERE.

Notice: On Friday, the Gala dinner is dedicated to the organizers, sponsors, friends, important guests, media and exhibitors of the Blidinje BIKE Festival event: Friday, 26.07.2024, from 19:00, all guests of the Gala dinner will have to show their ticket to the security staff.

You can see a detailed description of how to get to the Blidinje Nature Park if you are traveling by plane, car, train or bicycle HERE.

We dedicated ourselves to creating a page with a detailed description of how to reach us. 

  • If you are coming as a visitor, registration is not required and you can visit us at any time during the Blidinje BIKE Festival.
  • If you are coming as a participant, you will need to register online to access the events. After completing the registration and paying the registration fee, simply show up at the venue, visit the registration office to pick up the starter pack and enjoy the organization.
  • If you are coming as a visitor, payment is not required, simply come to the venue and follow the event.
  • If you are coming as a participant, to access the events you will have to register online and pay the registration fee prescribed by the organizer.

Of course, a parking area will be available within the Staza restaurant and SKI center where you can park your vehicle freely, so that you are completely free during your visit. Although the area is under surveillance, we do not accept responsibility for any damage to vehicles caused by third parties.

Blidinje Bike Festival will also include exhibitions and product testing. On the "Expo Area" page you will find all the information you need.

How to approach bike testing depends on the companies that exhibit the bikes and equipment.


– helmets are mandatory;
- we advise you to show up dressed in appropriate sports clothes;
– you must be over 18 years old to participate in the bike testing;
– exhibitors do not offer all types of pedals, if you plan to come wearing cycling shoes, we advise you to bring your own pedals.
– the testing area is reserved for the company's demo vehicles.

Yes, parking spaces are free for all visitors and event participants.

Yes, coming with dogs is allowed, but only on a leash.

Important: Be aware of your dog at all times, dogs are not allowed on the path where they can cause accidents for cyclists. Dog owners are responsible for the actions of their pets.